Soulfire Woman

How to Torch Your Past, Ignite Your Present, and Set Your Soul on Fire

A joy to read. I want to buy this book for every woman I know. Part how-to book, part workbook, part memoir, Soulfire Woman speaks to Every Woman. Reminiscent at times of Elizabeth Gilbert’s journey to find her true self, Kelley writes with grace, humor, empathy and faith. She believes that every woman can find the “soulfire woman” she’s meant to be. At a time when too many writers are telling us there’s magic in not giving a f*ck or that we need to be badasses, Kelley’s journey and truths are profound and inspiring. The activities provided help you find the you who’s always been there. There is so much truth in this book, things we might’ve known as girls and forgotten, that it evokes a sense of nostalgia and hope for the future. It’s packed with practical advice on how to achieve a soulful life, how to thrive and not just survive. I am a Soulfire Woman in-progress. I highly recommend this book.  
Michelle Young-Stone

Author, Lost In the Beehive

About The Book

You are not your story. You are what you do with your story. And so much more.

Soulfire Woman speaks to every woman who has felt her authentic self–the person she was meant to be–hijacked by rules, roles, obligations, relationships, divorce or past trauma. Author Dyanne Kelley’s hope in sharing her journey is for women to use what she knows to be true, to heal right along with her, and step into their own power. She wishes for you to be who you were always meant to be, a Soulfire Woman 

Available Wherever Books Are Sold

ISBN 978-1-7329022-7-5

In league with so many of the luminaries mentioned in the resource section of her book, Dyanne Kelley can proudly add Soulfire Woman to this list. With adroit clarity, Dyanne has paved a path of practical application of oftentimes seemingly out-of-reach spiritual principles. Whether it’s in your own journal or via a circle of women, using Ms. Kelley’s invitations will assuredly lead you to your truest, most powerful and empowered Self. In these times of copious spiritual ideology, Soulfire Woman provides an authentic, intimate engagement at the level of your soul. So much so, in fact, I’ll be adding this to our Modern Day Priestess Training recommended reading list. Thank you for your undaunting Yes, Dyanne!
Rev. Dr. Kate Rodger

Founder, Institute of Modern Widsom

I really appreciate the honesty in Dyanne’s writing.  Her story could be my story, I really see myself in her words, and I love that it’s a story of triumph — that makes it inspiring.

Reiki Master

About the author

Dyanne Kelley

As a Soulfire Woman writer, speaker, coach, psychotherapist, and with a dash of midlife humor, Dyanne connects you to the deepest, wisest part of yourself for lasting change, to your own true nature, your divine feminine power. Dyanne blogs about travel, midlife, feminine power and the lessons she’s learned from walking her Australian Shepherd, Penelope, on the beach.  

With over twenty years of experience as a psychotherapist, Dyanne guided and coached others in emotional self-healing at a transformational level. Through these experiences and through her own midlife healing journey she discovered women have their own distinct pathway to healing and reigniting the Soulfire Woman within. 

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