Not that kind.

Ok, so now I know I am going to be all right at my job. During our first staff meeting, the classiest, funniest and hardest working member among us, who happens to be the oldest, (I am the next oldest by the way), said a client told her she found a vibrating cock ring in her mother’s underwear drawer and was mortified. Our Senior Stateswoman said she just kept shaking her head up and down like she knew what it was. She didn’t. Afterward she asked the male counselor next door what it was. He said he could guess but thought it wasn’t wise for him to Google it at work….. I find out from our younger staff that there are two sex toy shops in town. Later I say to SS, I didn’t know what IT was either, and how am I supposed to be out dating in the world with such a lack of information. She hands me a 2×3 spiral notebook and says, here, this is your first lesson, write it down. And when you learn something new tell me…..HWH-Joural-Retreat---Writing

Southern Sweetheart and I went to the utilities company to switch things over and before my very eyes there’s clearly, without a doubt, a man coifed as a woman behind the counter.  Poofed hair, make-up, earrings, long filed nails and wearing a light blue men’s Polo sweater. Nothing underneath there. Now I am beginning to doubt myself given my previous experience and wonder just what is going on here. I clarify with Southern Sweetheart who confirms my observations. The South, Conservative? Eccentricities are accepted as part of the culture. Bless Your Heart they say with an mmm…mmm and slight shake of the head. I’m breathing a sigh of relief and thinking I will fit in just fine here. No one would ever dare breathe an impolite word. Not in public, of course.

Dorothy, we are not in Kansas any more.

As I’ve said the temperature sometimes fluctuates 30 degrees in a day. Last week it was nice and warm on my way home from work so I opened the sun roof. Trouble is I forgot to close it, and it sleeted/rained overnight. Everything in the front seat was ruined. I sat on Buster’s dog towel on the way to work.  Usually HE’S my entertainment.

My best friend came all the way from PA to spend my birthday with me.  Yay, girlfriend!  It was the most glorious weekend with temps in the high 60s and into the 70s. We visited two, quaint lovely waterfront towns settled in the late 1700s with beautiful, beautiful architecture. People there just can’t keep themselves from saying hello and telling you how much they love their towns. The daffodils were already in bloom. Plus great shopping. We dined outdoors each day.  It seems like mostly retired people in both towns, and my friend is already talking to her husband about retiring here.  Y’all come!

I learned not to try and make quick phone calls during work to make appointments or start services. There is no such thing as quick in the South.  People seem to feel obligated to talk to you for long periods of time for fear of seeming rude.  Although I have to say I do feel like I know the receptionist at the Cardiologist’s office. I know the whole story of how she met her fiancé and moved here 15 years ago after a divorce and what she does on Friday nights. I invited myself along but it’s a couple’s thing.  Speaking of the cardiologist I received my medical records from the doctor in Carlisle and read them last night.  In a summary letter he wrote to my regular physician, he referred to me three times as the pleasant YOUNG woman.  This is the young Doc who, when I told him about my ER experience said, Oh you poor thing. I loved him instantly.

Thank you all for your birthday cards, emails and phone calls.  And THANK YOU to the little angel who announced my birthday to everyone. I LOVE YOU.  Keep sending me news of home.  Three of you, after the last email wrote and told me to keep writing, and two of you are gathering the courage to leave unfulfilling marriages.  Who knew my writing could be of service in that way.

Be well. And oh, I received two emails last week that had similar messages. What I remember is to Break the Rules, Forgive Quickly and Kiss Deeply. My new mantra.

Goodnight from Greenville, Dyanne

Journal Prompts
I decided to Break the Rules and….
It’s so hard for me to forgive….
I am going to try something new and adventurous….

Dyanne is an inner wisdom coach, psychotherapist, writer, mind-body healer, Integrative Yoga Therapy teacher, certified “Journal-to-the SELF” instructor and creator of http://www.holywhollyholey.comhelping women heal and step into their power. She is the author of the ebook, “Holey Path to Holy Living: A Women’s Path to Healing and Freeing Sacred Feminine Power,” which can be found on Amazon and on her website






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