Regrets, I have a few

Regrets. I have a few. How many minutes of your day do you spend going over and over and regretting what you think are mistakes wishing you could make a different decision and change the outcome? Do you at the end of every day ruminate about what you said and did,...
If Only I Loved Myself More

If Only I Loved Myself More

Let’s play a game. It’s called, the “if only” game. After each IF ONLY add, I would feel better about myself and love myself more. If only I had more willpower…. If only I lost 20 pounds… If only I exercised more… If only I had flawless skin…. If only I didn’t have...
Self-Love and Full-Length Mirrors

Self-Love and Full-Length Mirrors

Do you own a full-length mirror? I don’t. I’m not sure why. I used to a long time ago. I don’t think it was a conscious decision. Or, maybe it was conscious, a secret self-love hack. Right now I have no place to put one. My bedroom door has a mat hanging from it where...
You Don’t Have To Be FIXED

You Don’t Have To Be FIXED

  Truth Bomb. You do not have to be FIXED. You have to be FOUND. This is one of the truths from Soulfire Woman that jumped off the pages and hit recent group members right in the Heart and Soul. You know this, right?  There is nothing wrong with you. You were...
You Say You Want This

You Say You Want This

Fulfillment. So, I’ve been thinking about it. Fulfillment is a Soul word to me. A longing of the Soul. Something missing in your life up until now. Not quite content or completely satisfied. I’ve realized fulfillment has meant different things to me at different...
Before You Set That 2024 Intention…

Before You Set That 2024 Intention…

Before You Set That 2024 Intention… Celebrate YOURSELF! One of my favorite things to do on New Year’s Day before I set my intention is to sit quietly with something warm to drink, light a candle, and go through everything I’ve written in my journals during the...

How Wounded People Make Decisions

Wounded people make decisions from their woundedness. I said this last week to my friend as she was processing out loud why someone very close and special to her did something that clearly sabotaged their relationship. As they tried to work through the breach, she...

Comparison is the Thief of JOY

I read this today in an article asking what our 50+ year-old self would tell our younger self. I thought this advice hit home for my younger self and would have saved me years of the not quite good enough feelings.   Then I suddenly realized I STILL do it,...

Stop Feeling Stuck with These 10 Journal Prompts!

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Show up in relationships as who you really are,

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