Retro Master BathtubAll better Girlfriends. My hiatus without Dance It Off music has ended. My Bose remote came yesterday in the mail, although when I plugged it in last night, it didn’t work. It’s not the outlet, I said, because that is the same outlet the TV is plugged into. Today I decided on a whim to try another outlet anyway and magic, MUSIC. Slow learner. Technology. Shees.

My best friend called and talked me through Happy Hour long distance. Ok, so it was only 4 but late enough for a glass of wine and some dance music and my first BATH in my luxurious bathtub overlooking the pond. There’s nothing that a little dance music, glass of wine, HWH-Pond-Ducksbath, throw in a few cheese straws (my new favorite Southern food) won’t cure.

My first days at work went well. The hardest part was walking from the parking lot to the building in heels. I need to find a seamstress to shorten my pants and buy different shoes. There were a few moments when I said, DAMN, am I really back in college counseling and was this the right decision? The answer is always, YES. I never thought of myself as high maintenance but maybe I am just a little. Like I need sunlight. My condo and office each have windows but not direct sunlight. The office feels dark even with the window. I think it faces north and used to be the broom closet. I’m sure my new co-workers would think me odd if I strolled in with a sun lamp.

Southern Sweetheart, who was not out of the apartment when I moved in, arranged to have the carpets cleaned this week while I was at work. I’m thinking, What do I do with Buster? He does not take likely to men invading his space (hmmm…) and is not shy about letting them know it. He’s also used to a farm and 20 acres. Plan A: I bought a baby gate and put him in the kitchen then I went out for few hours to test the plan. When I came home, he had pushed the gate down and was walking casually around the place like nothing ever happened. Plan B: Put him in the bathroom. I knew this to be dangerous since he couldn’t see what was going on in the other rooms. I worried about the door being scratched. Relieved to see that it wasn’t when I got home, I didn’t notice right away that he gnawed a piece out of one of my favorite possessions, my Longenberger laundry basket. ARGHHH! A couple of things toppled but otherwise ok. The lesson of NON-ATTACHMENT, AGAIN! Some things never change. Today I turned around and there he was harnessed in the curtain cords, stuck and confused. Me and Marley is coming to mind. He’s 11. He should be sleeping all day. My neighbor below informed me she hears him barking but it does not ANNOY her. YET is what I am reading into that.

I went grocery shopping today and there are single men shopping alone everywhere, although definitely younger. A younger man is in my destiny, don’t you think?

There are TWO movie theaters here. One of them has The Reader, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Revolutionary Road and Slumdog Millionaire. WOW, can you imagine? So many choices. Remember my rural background here. So after that luxurious bath, a couple of dances, AND walking around the apartment NAKED, what a treat, my inner sexpot and I went out to the movies.

Oh, and MAJOR GLITCH NUMBER THREE….the cardiologist’s office called on Tuesday afternoon within minutes after me thinking, you know Dyanne you’re going to be all right, and said you have mild pulmonary hypertension. All I know about it is what I read on the internet, and it doesn’t sound good. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. It’s good to know the emergency room is across the street close to what is going to become my favorite bar/restaurant. That works.

Keep the cards and emails coming. Phone calls too. Love to you. Miss my gang.

Goodnight from Greenville, Dyanne

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Journal Prompts:
When I practice non-attachment, I let go of…
What am I attached too that is not serving me well in this moment (think emotions, habits, physical comforts)…
My sexy mid-life Goddess self is…. or, likes, does, wants, needs…

Dyanne is an inner wisdom coach, psychotherapist, writer, mind-body healer, Integrative Yoga Therapy teacher, certified “Journal-to-the SELF” instructor and creator of http://www.holywhollyholey.comhelping women heal and step into their power. She is the author of the ebook, “Holey Path to Holy Living: A Women’s Path to Healing and Freeing Sacred Feminine Power,” which can be found on Amazon and on her website

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