Dyanne Kelley is an Amazon best-selling author, speaker, heart-centered and soul-inspired psychotherapist, self-discovery coach and spiritual healing mentor. She is the creator of the Soulfire Woman’s Way to Reignite Your Life program.

Stop Feeling Stuck!

She teaches midlife and beyond women who are yearning deeply for something more how to intuitively rediscover who they really are, believe in themselves again, and show up fully in life and relationships as their true selves with SoulFULL confidence.

Be Unapologetically YOU!

Dyanne helps woman reignite their Soulfires so that they can get their spark back, shine their light and be the woman they were meant to be, unapologetically.

She loves to tell inspired, relatable and sometimes humorous stories through her blogs about travel, confessions from midlife and beyond, Soulfire feminine courage and the lessons she learns walking her Australian Shepherd, Penelope, on the beach.

When she is not walking her dog, you can find her in the kitchen experimenting with cooking, reading a book, writing or binge-watching the latest TV shows, her secret indulgence.



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Stop feeling stuck with a complimentary 30-minute Reignite Your Life Soulfire strategy call. Find out how to intuitively take your next steps.

“There’s an untouched part of yourself, a flame within, waiting to be remembered, reclaimed and reignited.”






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Stop Feeling Stuck with These 10 Journal Prompts!

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Release Self-doubt,

TRUST Yourself, 

Show up in relationships as who you really are,

Be the Woman You are Meant to Be and Live Life with CONFIDENCE!


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