
If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard from me lately, I’ve been on vacation touring the wild and wonderful OREGON!

My intention while there was to slow down and try to break a few daily habits like reading the news every morning, scrolling social media, and to STOP thinking about work all the time.

Clearing the clutter in my head, and letting my intuition and Spirit guide me to new insights were my primary goals.

AND, of course, to have a freakin’ good time!

Nature always speaks to me, and as a newcomer to Oregon, I was overwhelmed with its natural beauty, unencumbered, majestic, and wild. Miles and miles of Douglas Fir reaching to the sky and out to the ocean, rock formations along untouched shorelines with rogue waves and powerful mountains in the distance like Mt. Hood anchoring and grounding me.

Like the nature that surrounded me I felt free and empowered. My burdens lifted up and away from my shoulders. An invisible string moved along my spine making me feel like I was walking taller.

And the lessons started to come. Like this one. Perspective

.On our second day we visited the Columbia River Gorge and toured its trail of waterfalls. It never seemed like I was far away from the falls as I viewed them, but as I got closer and closer what I saw changed.
The mountain didn’t change. The falls didn’t change. What I saw changed. My mind changed.

Just like the view in this picture. From a distance you couldn’t see the basalt columns. Only when you got close could you see the beauty of the lava cooling.

Change your perspective whispered in my ear. A new vision will come.

From somewhat ordinary to spectacular.

Have you ever experienced this, how a shift in perspective alone can change how you feel and what you think?

Try it. Ask yourself a question that you might want an answer to. Or, just simply let Spirit guide your consciousness.

Stand far away from something and slowly move closer.

What do you see, feel, hear that’s different? Now translate it into your life.

What shifts for you?

Change Your Perspective. Change Your Life.

. .

With Love and Gratitude,

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