Before You Set That 2024 Intention…

Celebrate YOURSELF!

Soulfire Woman | Before Setting That 2024 Intention - Woman Meditating in the Sunset

One of my favorite things to do on New Year’s Day before I set my intention is to sit quietly with something warm to drink, light a candle, and go through everything I’ve written in my journals during the past year. Time slows down as I look through the pages and reflect.

In the past, I would paste movie stub tickets and receipts for special events or outings onto the pages. Now I just keep a running log of books I’ve read, streaming shows we’ve seen, movies, and plays we’ve watched. This year I will probably add my Facebook posts as well just to see what my focus was on the previous twelve months.

I feel joy as I remind myself of the things I did and have already forgotten. It’s like getting to do them all over again.

More importantly though, and often most surprising, is how much I continually underestimate my accomplishments and overestimate my shortcomings. As I look back on the pages, I’m reminded of how much I’ve grown personally and professionally and moved forward in my life. 

I don’t know about you, but I never seem to pause long enough to reflect on all the things I’ve done right, where I’ve shown courage and stepped outside of my comfort zone, how I’ve shown up in my relationships, how I continue to create a life I love helping women transform and rediscover themselves. 

Instead, I typically have an internal running dialogue critiquing myself on any number of things and where I can make improvements with myself and my business. Sound familiar?

Why don’t we stop this hamster wheel of self-criticism together right now, shall we?

And before you even think it, no, it’s not selfish or conceited to acknowledge yourself in a positive way. It’s a Soulfire Woman requirement!

So, before you set your intention for the new year, take a moment to reflect on how awesome you are, your acts of kindness and generosity, your willingness to be vulnerable, your ability to look inward for outward growth, the personal healing work you’ve been doing, the positive changes you’ve made, the fun you’ve had, the times you said YES, your bravery and courage, the moments you stayed present and felt peace, how many times you belly-laughed, the time you spent with loved ones and helping others, the new path you’ve chosen…

I can feel it. I can feel you smiling.

Go ahead. You deserve it. Reach around and pat yourself on the back. Right now, in this moment. Do it.

Celebrate Yourself!

With Love and Gratitude,


PS- Share with your friends and share the love!

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