Am I too accommodating? Are you?


My Guy is on a road trip this week golfing with the guys.
He wasn’t out the door five minutes before I started rearranging my day, basically to accommodate myself.
We typically do a number of things together as a way of bonding. It also just makes it easier when we are on the same schedule. He likes to go to the gym in the morning. I would much rather work in the morning. We compromise and go right before lunch.
This week I am going to the gym in the afternoon during my sleepy, post-work down time. I feel more accomplished using this time where I wouldn’t be doing anything anyway.
TV. My Guy loves TV. It’s something we can do together, watch shows and then talk about and analyze them over breakfast or dinner the next day.
This week, little to no TV for me. Quiet reading time. And, I’m catching up on video trainings I’ve signed up for and missed.
Very little cooking is happening. I make do with what I have. No elaborate meal plans or need to figure out breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I’m sure at some point I will miss the old routine and the way we bond. Maybe.
I’m thinking, am I too accommodating? Or is this just my personality? I mean I CAN go the gym at 11 am whereas my guy would have a much harder time going in the afternoon. Do we really need this bonding time?
This extends beyond My Guy. I’m making sure I check all of the family boxes too. Very little of my time seems to be my time.
What am I sacrificing to go along and get along? I really thought I had this nailed. Taking care of myself and my own needs. This apart time is making me see that I still have some work to do. I’m realizing once again that I’ve lost touch with what would make me feel good, like it’s no big deal and doesn’t even matter.
Do you do this? Do you get so used to doing something a certain way, don’t want to make waves and forget you can change things?
The kicker is My Guy would have no problem at all if I decided to do things a little differently.
Yikes, It’s ME!
Is people-pleasing that ingrained in me, in women in general? Answer that for me please in the comments below.
Whether you have a partner or not, how would you design your day differently if you weren’t so busy accommodating someone else?
I just decided I’m taking myself on a date, doing something I wouldn’t normally do like spending two hours in a bookstore, drinking coffee and eating cheesecake.
Won’t you join me?

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