First Date

Hey Gals,I know, I know, my latest epistle is very overdue. There were a few weeks in there where I hit a low point. No one thing in particular, just an accumulation of small occurrences. I actually thought for a while there that I might be clinically depressed. But...

OH the Predicaments

Girls, Girls, Girls, Another whirlwind trip to PA over the weekend, first for my nephew’s wedding. I was nervous about this since it is my soon-to-be ex’s side of the family and the first time that I would see everyone with them all knowing the truth about us. The...

Oreo Cookie

Hey Gals, My Brother of Another Color last Friday said he was coming off of an on-call week and the first thing he was doing was getting a drink, and I could come if I wanted. Sure, I say, I’ll go with you.  We meet close to my house and share a couple of drinks...

Major Movement and Minor Miracle

Hey Gals, Or is it Minor Movement and Major Miracle. The good news IS I do not have pulmonary hypertension according to the echocardiogram recently done here. My doctor emailed me the results. I emailed back and asked if I was cleared to scuba dive. She said she’s...

Road Hazards

Hey Gals, TODAY, I almost hit a Pelican.  It must be a driving hazard of life that they forget to tell you about. I decided to take a drive to the beach. Usually I go this time of year to open the house for renters, getting it ready and so on. It rained so there...

Day Five

I am on Day 5 of my on-call duties and mandatory alcohol abstinence. So far no calls. Two more days to go. I may have to have a martini lunch on Friday. Kidding. Maybe.


WHAT!!! No Grey’s Anatomy due to College Basketball playoffs!! Is that just here or everywhere?  And no Fastnacht Day either. The folks here didn’t even know what I was talking about. No tradition of donuts, not even pretend Fastnachts.  I settled for...


Not that kind. Ok, so now I know I am going to be all right at my job. During our first staff meeting, the classiest, funniest and hardest working member among us, who happens to be the oldest, (I am the next oldest by the way), said a client told her she found a...

All Is Right With The World

All better Girlfriends. My hiatus without Dance It Off music has ended. My Bose remote came yesterday in the mail, although when I plugged it in last night, it didn’t work. It’s not the outlet, I said, because that is the same outlet the TV is plugged...

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