Are You Subtracting or Are You Adding to Your Self-Worth?
As I started to heal, and as those fears subsided, I began stepping into my own self-worth. I started speaking up and observed others acknowledging I had something of value to say. My confidence grew. My self-worth grew with it.
Covid Made Me Do It (part 2)
In my last blog I wrote how Covid gave me the time and space to bake scones. Then eat scones. Then not exercise. I’ve been thinking about that blog ever since. What did Covid make me do exactly?
Covid Made Me Do It | Confessions from the Other Side of 50
Okay, it’s time to fess up. I let myself go during Covid. I had an internal dialogue with my over-achieving self and decided it was time to give her a break. Afterall, the gym was closed. It would only be a short period of time, I thought, until we get back into our normal routines.
Are You Suffering In Silence?
When I was going through my divorce, I moved four states away from everything and everyone I had ever known and cared about, to a place not only where I knew no one but was culturally different as well. A northern 50-year old soon-to-be-divorced woman moving on her...Girl, You Got the Power
Power. It’s such an interesting concept for women. Men keep their power. It grows with them. Women tend to lose it along the way. And then spend their lives trying to regain it.
I know the exact moment I gave all of my power away.