Greetings my friends from way down South!! Truly I am sorry for being absent so long.  My first excuse is MenoPAUSE.  Life as I knew it is no longer.  You know you’re in menopause when you swipe your grocery store card to get into the gym. Twice. Maybe three...

The Not So Good Very Bad Day

My beloved dog Buster Brown is now in dog heaven with his big sister Murphy Brown. He died last evening after coming to the end of a long life, one month shy of 13. A New Year’s Eve pup, he came into our lives one week after I said, No More Pets! He was supposed...

Doctors Say the Funniest Things

Hey Gals, Miss me? I sure miss you. I’ve been here almost two years, and I still look forward to my doctor’s visits as social occasions. I can always count on my gynecologist to show me a good time. She lowers her voice and asks me if I’m still getting my period. Yes,...

A New Year

Greetings my dearest friends. So sorry for the hiatus. First and foremost, let’s take a moment of reverence for our friend, Dianne, one of the first journal group members, who has crossed over and blesses us from the other side….Amen Sister. You are loved. I knew I...

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