Lesson #16 – Get Airborne The crowds are starting to thin, and we have the beach mostly to ourselves today. More room for Penelope to run free and catch the ball, her favorite pastime. She catches them short. She catches them long. And in her proudest moments,...
You are not your story. You are what you do with your story. And do much more. I say this in my book, Soulfire Woman. It’s meant to let you know you can rise above, become the woman you were meant to be, no matter how your story began or where it is currently. The...
Are you experiencing a flood of emotions and don’t know what to do with them? Do you feel dissatisfied or unhappy in some of your relationships and are not sure how to sort it all out? Do you feel indecisiveness, flip flopping back and forth, frustrating yourself? ...
I’m a feeler. I live mostly from the right side of my brain, intuitive, somewhat creative, empathic. Introvert. Let me tell you, it’s not easy being this way in a left-brained analytical, goal oriented, extroverted world. In my last J.O.B.I remember...
When was the last time you asked for help? Are you better at offering help than receiving it? Too proud to ask maybe. I’ve been spending this past month in the town where I lived a good part of my life before getting divorced and moving away. Memories associated...
The Universe has a Sense of Humor Yesterday I picked up my phone to click on Pandora and listen to a little music. The numbers 11:11 flash up at me. I love when that happens. Messages from my Angels. I immediately check in with thoughts. Are they positive or negative?...