Conversations With My Mom

Conversations With My Mom

She tells me she got herself a cake and invited the neighbors. How many came, I ask. Thirteen. All at once? It takes 10 more minutes to get an answer to this. No, she says, a couple at a time. Did they wear masks, I ask? Ten more minutes. Yes. Well, how did you eat the cake with your masks on? She starts laughing hysterically. We kept lifting up the masks for each bite and laughed at each other. It was fun, she said.

Covid, old folks style.

Lesson # 13: Teach People How to Treat You

Lesson # 13: Teach People How to Treat You

Penelope is in training. Like a defiant toddler, she decided she can greet any and all dogs walking in her direction by tugging her leash and pulling me where she willfully wants to go.

This does not always end well. Some dogs do not appreciate Penelope entering their space, and bark warnings of “do not approach.” To be fair, Penelope sometimes arrives snoot to butt and decides at the last minute, nope, don’t really like this one. She barks, admonishing the dog, insulted the dog did not live up to her expectations.

I’m No Prude

I’m No Prude

Recently,  I posted a blog article on Elephant Journal, Meet Grace, My New Best Friend, about being kind to ourselves during this time of COVID 19. It is only after I send out my blog to everyone I know on the planet that I realize, when you click on the link for the article, the ad at the top of EJ page is for vibrators.

Girl, You Got the Power

Girl, You Got the Power

Power. It’s such an interesting concept for women. Men keep their power. It grows with them. Women tend to lose it along the way. And then spend their lives trying to regain it.
I know the exact moment I gave all of my power away.

I’m Just a Blue-Eyed White Girl

I’m Just a Blue-Eyed White Girl

I’m White. In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, I know whatever I say will not be enough or right or politically correct. If I say nothing, I’m complicit. If I say something, it may be perceived as too White bread or too nice or I’m speaking for POC, Person of Color, in a way I should not.

It Takes A Village… of Women

It Takes A Village… of Women

It Takes A Village… of Women It Takes a Village This is for all the mothers out there. I grew up in a neighborhood of mothers. Whether they were or not in the traditional sense, I don’t really know. I do know my friends and I were under their watchful eyes....
Here I Go, Crying Again

Here I Go, Crying Again

Here I Go, Crying Again If you ask me, I will tell you I am doing fine. For the most part, I’m productive, and my schedule hasn’t changed too, too much. I get outside as often as I can enjoying the smells of spring in full bloom. Mmm, wild honeysuckle on the vine....
Lesson #12: Social Distancing and Healing Touch

Lesson #12: Social Distancing and Healing Touch

Lesson #12: Social Distancing and Healing Touch It’s a beautiful, sunny, crisp spring-like day. Mostly we have the beach to ourselves.  On this day, a young man, who must be missing spring training, is standing behind a line he’s drawn in the sand. He is in the start...
Giving Myself Grace

Giving Myself Grace

Giving Myself Grace I’m in the in-between. I know. It sounds like an episode of Stranger Things and the Upside Down. It’s a phrase I often use with my psychotherapy and coaching clients. You’re in the in-between, I say, between something ending, the sadness and grief...
Lesson #11: Perspective

Lesson #11: Perspective

Lesson #11: Perspective It’s sunny but blustery on our walk today. I tilt my head down into the wind trying to stay warm. Penelope, on the other hand, tilts her head up, and lets her hair and ears blow back like a model in front of a wind machine. She moves into a...

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